Monday, September 11, 2006

Spiritual questions: Part 3

On the Dar Alluding blog, Tichius commented: "Science cannot and will never answer the larger questions of life, such as: Why are we here? Where are we going? How did we get here?"

Part 1 said that Tichius implied that only Christianity could adequately answer these questions; Part 2 answered these questions from a scientific perspective (as I understand it).

Now, here is my understanding of the Christian answers to these questions (evangelical, conservative, mainline, and some liberal denominations):

1) Why are we here? To serve God and to love Jesus.

2) Where are we going? When we die, and if we accept Christ, we'll go to Heaven. If not, we go to Hell.

3) How did we get here? God created everything. (He may or may not have used evolution and/or the Big Bang to accomplish these tasks.) How did God come into existence? God has always existed.

How do we know all this? Because the Bible says so. The Bible says a lot of stuff that Christians (of all types) choose to ignore, but many Christians agree on the parts that should be ignored and the parts that are, um, true.

Now, this sounds oversimplified, but I really don't think it is. There are many, many, many schools of thought on the right way to serve God and love Jesus; there are differing schools of thought on Heaven and Hell, and how we might get there; but this is Christianity. There's more to it than that (just like there's more to science than what I wrote in Part 2), but I don't think any Christian will argue with those three answers (at least #1 and #3).


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