Thursday, August 10, 2006

Why pick on homosexuality?

Having a bit of trouble finding the questions that John Loftus posed on Debunking Christianity. I'll post when I find 'em.

So here's something that puzzles me.

In most translations of the Bible, it's pretty clear that homosexuality is a no-no. There are plenty of other things that are no-nos, of course. The single biggest rule, though, doesn't have anything to do with homosexuality. It's the first commandment (Exodus 20:3), and Jesus puts it above the Golden Rule in Mark 12.

It is this concept: There is no other God but God.

Being gay is not in the Ten Commandments. Being gay is not addressed anywhere by Jesus. But the Christian right want to stop gay marraige because, um, well, I'm not sure.

The American Family Association has an article here that attempts to follow the following logic: If homosexual marraige is legalized, all Christians will be persecuted for their belief that homosexuality is a sin. It cites a teacher who was suspended because of an anti-gay letter he wrote to a newspaper, and a printer who was fined because he refused to print literature from a gay advocacy group.

I guess the Christian right doesn't want gay marraige to be legalized because then they won't be able to legally discriminate against gays.

But, the Christian right isn't making any noise about annulling all marraiges between Sikhs, or Jews, or Muslims, or athiests. "If we legalize it," antigay activists say, "that tells my kids that it's OK to be gay."

Really? Just like it's OK for their kids to be Sikh, or Muslim, or athiest? Many Christian families don't think it's OK to be anything but Christian. Yet thousands of people in America are disobeying the first commandment, nay, what Jesus calls the most important commandment everyday. Why is it OK with Christians that Americans tolerate and offer protection to the breaking of the first and most important commandment, yet homosexuality (which, since Jesus never talks about it, seems like it's much less important of an issue) is condemned to the point where most members of the Christian right still fight to have it criminalized?

Seriously, Christians: why is it OK for Sikhs to get married but not gays?


Blogger Sister Mary Lisa said...

Hi SS! You'll want to see my blog to read the comments I've gotten on the post I created using a copy of your post here. I hope you don't mind that I copied you word for word! I think it was definitely copy-worthy.

:) SML

10:43 AM  

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