Wednesday, July 19, 2006


So, one good thing and one bad thing.

Good: Kevin Parry, from the Memoirs of an Ex-Christian site, asked about my story of how I lost my faith twice. I guess I've never thought of my life as that interesting, and it's a pretty long story, but I'll share it in my next post.

Bad: My mom babysits for my two kids (ages 2 and 4) two days a week. And this morning, she starts getting on me about the fact that we're not exposing the kids to God. (My mom is a Christian, and you'll find out more about the church I grew up in and her beliefs in future posts.) I got really angry and really upset, and she touched a nerve as only a parent can. So: oof.

It has occurred to me it's possible that the only reason haven't completely rejected Christianity is that I don't want to disappoint my parents. That is not an easy thing to admit to myself, especially since I'm in my thirties, but there you have it.


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