Friday, August 11, 2006

Christian site says "atheists can't say that rape is wrong"

So, it looks like on Debunking Christianity, John W. Loftus (a former minister and current atheist) has gotten into a spat with a Christian blogger by the name of Frank Walton (writer of Atheism Sucks).

First of all, I think atheism does suck. I don't like it. It makes me feel alone and separated from my family.

Secondly, I think the Christian view of atheism sucks more. On this post states that "in no objective sense can they [atheists] say this [rape] is wrong." I think the way he makes his point has a million logical flaws, but that's not what I'm getting at.

This statement reflects a common belief among Christians: that in a life without God, there is no basis for morals. This is not what many atheists believe. The Bible of the Good and Moral Atheist, in its Book of Morality, says:

"All morality begins and ends with sympathy... With sympathy for others and recognition of the similarities between people, we each build an internal code of the morality of our actions. We seek to protect innocent children, for we were once children ourselves and needed protection. We seek a society that does not foster immoral actions, in order to protect the members of society like ourselves. We feel and internalize various plights and pains of others in this process, and develop a true morality."

Armed with sympathy for others, atheists can (and do) state that rape is wrong. One can debate the cause of sympathy (evolution vs. God-given), but atheists need not believe in God to have reasoning behind their moral code.


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