Monday, September 11, 2006

Spiritual questions: Part 1

On the Dar Alluding blog, a comment by Tichius said, in part:

"Science cannot and will never answer the larger questions of life, such as: Why are we here? Where are we going? How did we get here?"

The first part of this post will address the assumption behind this statement.

First of all, if one concedes that science cannot currently answer some of these questions, it is still folly to conclude that it will never get there. True, many of science's answers have led to a bazillion more questions, but science has revealed truths that a mere 100 years ago we would have thought impossible. (Never mind 2,000 years ago.) In 100 more years--assuming we don't kill ourselves off as a species before that--who knows what questions will be answered?

Secondly, science's answer always begins with, "The evidence leads us to theorize that..." because our learning is not yet done. (And the evidence leads us to theorize that it is unlikely to ever be done.)

Thirdly, each religion in this world answers those three questions in a different way. There is no way to prove or disprove any of those religions. Further, there is little or no evidence (outside of religious texts) that supports the conclusions that religions provide for these answers. Tichius's statement (in context) implies that only Christianity can adequately answer these questions.


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